Being employed in a nursery taught me to build a strong bond between families. It is essential for creating a positive environment for young children. I believe that communication problems, or inadequate communication between adults, can lead to circumstances that affect all parties involved. Some of the things I have done to build strong family relationships between parents are: Develop good two-way communication about my goals for the children and family preferences in order to minimize conflict and confusion for the children. If a parent was upset about something that may have happened during the program, I discussed it with my supervisor at the appropriate time and environment. I've learned that having respectful communication often clarifies a situation before it becomes a problem or gets out of hand. I strengthen the bond between me and parents. I got to know each parent personally. I let the parents know that I appreciated his efforts. I was very attentive and open to negotiation if a parent brought concerns or complaints to my attention. Mrs. Tammy taught me that communication with parents always tells them the truth about their child. When you tell the truth and care about the parent, listening is one of the most effective forms of communication. As I discussed with parents about their children I was sensitive to each child's cultural and family experience. I have several ways