Overview [WINNIE]As the world of technology evolves and develops faster and better every day, it places new demands on the network that supports it for speed and throughput. Especially today we live in a world where everyone is mobile and mobile networks are expected to keep up with technological innovations. The successor to the 2G and 3G mobile network standards is the 4G mobile network standard. The emergence of 4G, however, is expected to provide faster and better mobile network connectivity to support newer and increasingly demanding technologies that arise every day. The emergence of 4G mobile network technology is intended to deliver higher data speeds and the ability to move across multiple heterogeneous wireless networks for today's demanding mobile connectivity consumers.[1]4G Technology Features [WINNIE](add technological speeds) Mainly, the 4G mobile network will be characterized by a horizontal communication model. This is where different access technologies such as cellular, wireless LAN-type systems, short-range wireless connectivity and wired systems will be combined on a common, open platform to complement each other as best as possible to meet different service needs. and the available environments. 4G will provide the following technological features based on this horizontal communication model: [2]Convergence Services [WINNIE]By enabling the convergence of services, the environment that constitutes the mobile broadband communication service will become continuous and highly reliable. Convergence will occur in two forms:1. Through a horizontal communication model: different access technologies such as mobile phones, Wireless LAN systems, short-range wireless connectivity... means of paper... the standard chosen by 80% of carriers in the world. (http://gigaom.com/2008/03/05/a-little-4g-sibling-rivalry/) Value Proposition of 4G Technologies [WINNIE] Total amount of mobile subscribers in North America, Asia and Europe in 2010 is expected to reach 2.5 billion. As this type of demand growth requires the support of ever-increasing capacity networks, 4G will be very useful and improve users' mobile usage behaviors. 4G will be able to provide the idea of “anytime, anywhere, any device” due to its flexibility, bandwidth and multimedia tendency to converge. Looking at this from a global perspective, 4G will be able to kickstart the communication and connection of ubiquitous networks, such as e-commerce, unified messaging, and peer-to-peer networks, so as to expand the mobile and wireless environment at its maximum potential..[10]