MORAL ECONOMY OF THE FAMILY: (SiLVERSTONE, 2006, P236). The information and communication that is readily available within the home thanks to domestication adds an extra dimension to our daily lives, as family life becomes “fractured” (Silverstone, 2006, P241) through this new type of culture public. Lynn Schofield Clark recounts how Silverstone, Hirsch, and Morely were the first to introduce the concept of the moral economy of the family. They did so through the study of television, deducing that “the moral economy refers to the capacity of families to actively engage with the products and meanings of the public, formal, commodity- and individual-based economy and to produce something of their own as a result of that commitment." (Clark, 2014, P5) Clark argues that the function of the media regarding the moral economy of the family involves the “cultural and economic functions of contemporary families” (Clark, 2014, P6) where the media, such as television, can giving rise to conversations within the home about the “larger public sphere” and away from the conventional family unit, essentially a symptom of the fragmentation that domestication brings to the contemporary technology-enabled family. We must therefore find “internal coherence”, as Silverstone suggests. (Silverstone, 2006, P237) Clark characterizes media as an organizing force through domestication, referencing a study by Barry Wellman that documented how “family members increasingly use mobile media to foster connection and stay in touch with each other during the day." (Clark, 2014, P7) Clark considers moral economy useful for understanding contemporary media and divides it into three parts. First he argues that it is inconceivable to consider... a piece of paper... Lynn Schofield Clark. 2014. Mobile media and the emotional and moral economies of the family. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 April 14].Y. Lee and all. 2009. Technology Domestication Theory: Conceptual Framework of User Experience. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 April 14].Official articleBertel, T.F., 2013. Mobile Communication in the Age of Smartphones. Processes of domestication and re-domestication, 1, 122.Palakeel, J, 2011. Theology and communication technologies. Media Development, 1, 32-37. Conference Paper Haddon, L, (2001). Domestication and mobile telephony. In the machines that become us. New Jersey, United States, April 18-19, 2001. London School of Economics: The European Network. 13.