This document discusses the various roles of Engineers throughout the history of warfare. After reading, you will see the transition from non-combatants who used tools to build and build fortifications, to full-fledged soldiers capable of fighting just as well as they could build. Periods covered are: Roman times, Revolutionary War, Civil War, World War I and World War II, Vietnam War, and Global War on Terror (Iraq and Afghanistan). When discussing each period, I focused on newly developed tasks or skills that were necessary for that particular conflict. We will also discuss the modern engineer and how they had to operate in two completely different environments [Iraq (urban) and Afghanistan (rural)] while carrying out a very similar mission (route clearance). Keywords: combat engineer, Roman legionaries, Revolutionary War, Civil War, World War I, World War II, Vietnam War, Global War on TerrorEvolution of the Combat EngineerCombat engineers have been a vital part of every military force since beginning of the war. While not always referred to as "combat engineers," these Soldiers' actions and out-of-the-box thinking have enabled battlefield commanders to succeed during conflicts and wars. The need for such soldiers dates back to the Roman legionaries. The Romans were among the first militaries to understand the need for specific groups or units to be set aside as engineers to survive battle. These skills would later evolve to include the ability to fight as an infantryman when not engaged in engineering duties. The Roman army understood that fighting alone would not contribute to the expansion of their empire. The Army could only sustain itself for…half of the paper…, P. (1985, June 28). Life of a Tunnel Rat: Fighting Fear in Vietnam. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved from, C.W. (1959, February). General Chevalier Louis Lebègue dePresle Duportail (Abri. ed.). The picket line. Retrieved from March 11, 1779: Congress establishes the United States Army Corps of Engineers. (2014). Retrieved from -engineers. The role of engineers. (2013). Retrieved from World War I (2013). Retrieved from