Topic > Positive and Negative Effects on Self-Mutilators

Remembering traumatic events can cause a person to return to their self-harming ways. Not feeling good enough and being rejected by parents, friends, and even strangers can also make them self-harm. Social media can now also trigger self-mutilation. Blogs have been created that glorify self-harm and when people come across these types of pages they tend to lose the feeling of self-harm. “It's just that everyone feels the same. I know they won't judge me for self-harm,” [says Anouscka, a 14-year-old cutter]. “It's good to know that you can tell your story without being judged” (Dewey 1). Those blogs are created by self-harming teens and those blogs become their safe haven where they can share and vent without feeling unsafe or judged. They also show graphic images of cuts and burns and tend to have a lot of depressing quotes that embellish self-harm and make it seem like a good trend and people fall for it