At any given time, customers of all backgrounds rush into Starbucks, only to take their time once engaged by employees. Those same customers go home to receive a flyer from Target with coupons for their family. Then maybe they'll do some light cleaning, like spraying their homes with Febreze, and finally brush their teeth before bed; only to repeat a similar pattern the next day. After spending the morning at the Starbucks on the corner of Park Avenue and East 34th Street in Manhattan, it became nearly impossible to dismiss Charles Duhigg's findings in The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do In Life and Business. When I first entered the store, employees who were eager to take my order and know my name greeted me. As I waited for my coffee, I observed a cohesive staff behind the bar, preparing food and drinks, laughing and having fun. Duhigg would note this excellent customer service as the result of habit. In The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do In Life and Business, Duhigg guides readers through a careful analysis of academic studies, interviews, research, and even some anecdotes. Habits are part of our daily lives, and although we may believe we make conscious decisions, most of what we do is actually the result of habit. Habits are also how our brain is most efficient, instead of continuously thinking consciously, the brain tries to save effort through these habitual behaviors. Duhigg defines this phenomenon as “chunking,” a process in which “the brain converts a sequence of actions into an automatic routine.”1 If the brain had no routine to depend on, it would be too overwhelmed to continue processing information. So changing someone... middle of paper... workplace and consumerism. While this book is an enjoyable read, and some readers may be able to relate to it in “self-help mode”.2 Duhigg addresses important tasks in his book, making it exceptionally innovative and imperative for anyone in the business industry to Read . As the workforce and business as a whole continue to evolve, it's important that employers and marketers work to shape that evolution in a positive way. Works Cited1Duhigg, Charles. The power of habit: Why we do what we do in life and business. New York: Random House, 2012. Print.2Wilson, Timothy D. “I Can't Help Myself.” The New York Times. The New York Times, March 10, 2012. Web. April 16, 2014.3Yang, Jia Lynn, and Amrita Jayakumar. “Target says up to 70 million additional customers were affected by the December data breach.” Washington Post. The Washington Post, January 11, 2014. Web. April 14. 2014.