When the creature came to life, it was like a child: it had only basic sensations, it observed: “I felt light, hunger, thirst and darkness" ( 74) The creature was not “born” evil. It was called a monster simply because it had a hideous appearance, but it has a benevolent heart inside. “A benevolent person certainly does not turn a blind eye to the misfortunes of others and the possibility of helping them” (304). having a difficult life. So the creature actually has humanity in the beginning. Furthermore, the creature comments: "I admired the virtue and good feelings and loved the kind ways and amiable quantities of my peasants" (84). books and the gentle farmers transformed the creature into a civilized and humanized being. As another example, the act of saving a girl from a rushing river indicates that the creature is actually a good being. Unfortunately, however, people never try to look beyond its ugly appearance. The man who was playing with the drowning girl shot the creature when it approached them, although it saved the girl. Furthermore,