Topic > Rise of the Shrimp - 915

There was a beautiful island in the middle of Baffin Bay, near Greenland. Two tribes of monkeys lived on the island; the island was called the Isle of Isles. They shared the island peacefully. On the western side of the Isle of Isles, where the Shrimp King ruled, living conditions were worsening. Food was becoming scarce and the Shrimps (half monkey and half shrimp, a spell cast long ago by King Shrimp on his followers) were dying before their counterparts living under King Steve's rule. It was then that King Shrimp began to make a plan to conquer the entire island, King Steve's region. King Steve was a fabulous person. He was fair, kind, calm and a normal chimpanzee. On the other hand, King Shrimp was unfair, mean, and wanted the island all to himself. He too was a Shrimpanzee, unmarried, the complete opposite of King Steve. King Steve wanted to share the island peacefully. Before King Shrimp could start planning, he had to see what King Steve was doing. He sent one of his spies to disguise himself as a chimpanzee and saw what life was like on the other side. When the shrimp returned, King Shrimp was furious! The chimpanzees were doing great, growing their own food and everything was perfect. "I'll knock them over!" shouted King Shrimp. "How will you do it, sir?" The Shrimp guard was skeptical. “I will gather my entire army and plan a sneak attack against them,” King Shrimp said in a sinister voice. King Shrimp spent the next few days and nights plotting. Finally the day arrived; the day King Shrimp could get his revenge. Chapter 2 "Are all my troops ready?!" Barked King Crayfish "Yes, sir!" The soldiers shouted: "Are you ready?" King Shrimp shouted "Yes, sir!" He shouted at... middle of paper......orming! There were screams of shock everywhere. All the chimpanzees who had just transformed were looking around, they looked so confused. King Steve asked the nurse to put them in beds and let them rest. While the nurse did this, everyone went to their rooms and cleaned up all the mess inside and outside the castle. Three years had passed since the war. King Steve was the king of the island and everyone looked up to him as king. The conflicts were over. King Shrimp's extravagant castle was destroyed, and the land was better used for farms and homes. The king did not just rule the island, but stood by the people and supported them. There were no complaints and there was never a shortage of supplies. New tribes came to the island, each tribe loved it and the chimpanzees always greeted them with love. The chimpanzees allowed them to stay as long as they needed.