Employees are increasingly interested in jobs with flexible working hours. What factors drive this interest? Simple flexible working refers to any working hours that are outside of a normal working pattern. This means that working hours, instead of being repetitive and fixed, can involve changes and variations. It may mean that the employee has variables such as when they are required to work or even the location of work. There are some examples of flexible working, there are flexible hours, compressed hours, annual hours, staggered hours and job sharing. Arranging flexitime requires an employee to be at work during a specified core period, but otherwise allows them to organize their hours to suit their needs. This flexible schedule can be demonstrated with an example scenario from the employees' point of view. The scenario involves a busy office with several employees who want to take advantage of the wellness release time. They are sensitive to the needs of the office and have developed a program approved by the supervisor. An employee attends a water aerobics class from 7.00 to 7.45 and arrives at the office at 8.15. Two employees are already at work at 8.00, the opening time of the office. At 11am, another employee leaves for a 45-minute yoga class. Another employee schedules her workout in the fitness center so as not to interfere with anyone else's exercise schedule. In this environment, all staff encourage each other to stay fit. Another scenario that shows the use of flextime among the organization's employees is when another employee works with a unit that has a peak summer season. All staff in the unit can apply for a release period, however, this unit only grants a release period between September and May, so your business needs... half paper... small local businesses. The finding implies that the manager plays an important role in flexible working, especially in developing countries. They face some economic and political factors in different African countries. Finally, the practice of flexible working hours is the right method for employees and the employer to achieve their goals in themselves or in the organization. Works Cited Your Life at Cornell, Example Scenario. Available from: .Sloan Center, Flexible Work Arrangement and Schedule. Available from: .UK Essay, What are essays on managing flexible working practices. Available from:.