Should universities eliminate affirmative action policies that give preferential treatment to minority status admissions? "Anyone interested in higher education should wish to consider, on behalf of colleges and universities, students and faculty, alumni and fee-paying parents, the fate of affirmative action (Chace, M William 20). The Oxford Dictionary states that Affirmative Action is “an action or policy in favor of those who tend to suffer from discrimination, especially in relation to employment or education” 1961, John F. Kennedy signed an executive order which called for “affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated in employment, regardless of their race, creed, color or national origin”. This is now known today as the Equalities Commission employment opportunities (EEOC).Affirmative action policies would later be imposed on businesses and have also been instituted at many universities where minorities are given preferential admission over non-minorities. An example of this would be at the University of Michigan, where applicants who represented racial or ethnic minorities were given 20 points for admission out of a 150-point system where only 100 points were needed to gain admission. Trying to put the 20 points in perspective, applicants with perfect SAT scores only received 12 points for admission. This system was later struck down by the Supreme Court, but another similar policy was upheld at the University of Michigan Law School. Considering how diverse our society is compared to years ago, it seems like a compliment that the policies have actually worked. But now, many question whether the policies are moral, constitutional, and/or… halfway through… CitedCharles, Camille Z., et al. “Affirmative Action Programs for Minority Students: Right in Theory, Wrong in Practice.” The Chronicle of Higher Education 55.29 (2009). Academic OneFile. Network. August 9, 2011.Selingo, Jeffrey. “New study calls into question the educational benefits of diversity.” The Chronicle of Higher Education 49.29 (2003). Academic OneFile. Network. August 9, 2011. Connerly, Ward. “My Struggle Against Racial Preferences: A Quest Toward “Creating Equality”.” Chronicle of Higher Education 46.27 (2000): B6. Premier of academic research. EBSCO. Network. August 17, 2011. Chace, William M. "Affirmative Inaction: Opposition to Affirmative Action Has Dramatically Reduced Minority Enrollment at Public Colleges; Private Institutions Have the Power and Responsibility to Reverse the Tide." American Scholar 80.1 (2011): 20-31. Historical reference center. EBSCO. Network. August 18. 2011.