Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) is a serious and common virus that has infected "more than two billion people alive today at some point in their lives ".1 It is a hepadanavirus that interferes with liver functions as it replicates in hepatocytes (liver cells) and induces an immune response responsible for inflammation of the liver.2 Viruses are not motile, which means that HBV is also Sessile and does not form spores. The spherical virion, called a Danish particle3 which has a diameter of 42 nm, binds to the surface of the hepatocyte.1 The virion itself contains an internal protein core, 27 nm thick, filled with partially double-stranded circular DNA, DNA polymerase and transcriptase inversa.1 It is an enveloped virus, so it also contains an outer lipoprotein envelope4 7 nm thick and composed of many embedded surface proteins such as surface antigen for viral binding and entry.1 HBV has a period average incubation period of three months, meaning that you don't start showing symptoms for the first three months that the person is infected and that person may unknowingly infect others.2 ...