For several years there has been much media attention and professional pressure regarding the use of mixed-sex wards. Much of the controversy was fueled by the Labor government's manifesto commitment to abolish mixed bedding, which it finally admitted was an impossible task in early 2008. However, much of the available narrative, and most of the most inciting press coverage actually refers to overnight stay areas, especially the most vulnerable groups, such as those with mental health problems and the elderly. In 2009 the National Health Service (NHS) committed to eliminating mixed placement in hospital as part of its commitment to improving patient privacy and dignity (BBC Health, 2009). Meanwhile, the 2009 Department of Health report shows that, 99% of patients say they provide same-sex accommodation and 97% provide single-sex toilets and washing areas, but nearly a quarter of Patients still complain about being in a mixed-sex area. when they were first admitted to hospital (BBC Health, 2009). In the first quarter of 2010, the NHS organization reported over 8,000 trusts failing to implement single-sex accommodation without clinical justification (Blackman, S. 2010). This new information led the coalition government elected in 2010 to take action to finally make mixed housing a thing of the past in England. Form 2011 health companies that do not perform well and do not comply with the rule will be named public (Blackman, S. 2010). Beyond that, Health Secretary Andrew Lansley outlined the changes in his remarks. ''The NHS will have clear standards in future, specifying when they will have to report a b...... half of ... paper dating, but also on additional beds (Blackman, S. 2010). In October 2010 it was reported that women were forced to give birth in waiting areas with a more or less temporary screen to protect their privacy (Blackman, S. 2010). The psychological benefit of co-feeding the patient has been revealed in many donors who are partners or parents and therefore may be of the opposite sex. Patient views are sought to help demonstrate the clinical need for exclusion for this group. However, it is important to note that the same placement is not always appropriate when it comes to hospitals and there are many cases where it is clinically acceptable to place the patient in hospital facilities. a mixed sexual adaptation (Blackman, S. 2010). Mixed-gender accommodation is slowly vanishing from the UK and total elimination will depend on the efficiency of new government initiatives (Blackman, S.. 2010).