Topic > Titus Andronicus - Appearance versus Reality - 1350

Titus Andronicus - Appearance versus RealitySince appearances play an important role in society, so they also play an important role in William Shakespeare's play Titus Andronicus. From the first scene to the last, Shakespeare elaborates the theme of appearance versus reality through plot and character. The play's plot is full of incidents and events that are not what they seem: from Tito's "mental breakdown" and Tamora's prolonged deceit, to Aaron's overt actions. Each case presents a contrast between what the senses perceive and what reality presents. Some characters are defined better by their actions than their words. Tamora is a true mold for the perfect Machiavellian character. She craves not power as her marriage to the emperor might initially suggest, but revenge. However, she is fatally flawed as she fails to perceive the obvious signs that Titus is on some level aware of the reality around him. She is too busy with her projects and so denies the signs of his lucidity. His vast cunning and plotting are one-sided. She recognizes but does not fully understand Titus' state of mind: TAMORA Act 5, Scene 2 (Lines 1-8) So, in this strange and sad attire, I will meet Andronicus, and say that I am Vengeance, sent from below To unite with him and corrects his atrocious wrongs. He knocks on his study, where, they say, he continues to brood strange plots of terrible revenge; tell him that vengeance has come to join him, and bring confusion upon his enemies. In line 6 she explicitly states that she is aware of Titus's revenge plot against her, but does not believe he will carry out his plans, as evidenced by the word "strange". His reasons... middle of paper... the reality of their state of affairs and their characters. The work is shrouded in deception at diploid levels, both the plot and the underlying personalities and motivations presenting disparities between appearance and reality. Works cited and consulted Bate, Jonathan. "Introduction." Titus Andronicus. The Arden Shakespeare. London: Routledge, 1995. 1-121.Carducci, Jane. "Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus: an experiment in expression". Cahiers Elisabethains 31 (1987): 1-9. Danson, Lawrence N. “The Instrument of Wonder: Titus Andronicus and the Tragedies of Vengeance.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language 16 (1974): 27-43.Hulse, S. Clarke. "Tearing Up the Alphabet: Oratory and Action in 'Titus Andronicus.'" Criticism 21 (1979): 106-18. Shakespeare, William. "Titus Andronicus" The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor. New York/London, WW Norton Company, 1997.