Topic > Assessment of Learners of English as a Second Language

At Manhattan School of Computer Technology, teachers are encouraged to apply the principles of good assessment practices when planning assessments for learners of English as a second language. We strongly believe that the assessment of English as a second language (ESL) students should receive attention at all levels in our school assessment policy. Additionally, content assessments taken by ESL students must be reliable and valid. If all of our teachers could properly understand this, it would improve the educational opportunities for our ESL students. The next paper will critically evaluate a language test specifically designed for ESL English learners. In doing so, the following will be highlighted: the criteria used to evaluate the assessment tools; technical information on the test taken; and the validity of the test with regards to the intended audience. Criteria Used to Score the Test Cohen (1994) stated, “One of the primary reasons for conducting a classroom language assessment is to promote meaningful student engagement with material that is central to the instructional objectives of a given course.” P. 13 Does the test on pages 2 – 6 promote meaningful engagement? In my opinion the answer is no; I am not sure whether the tasks assessed reflect the overall objectives of the program students at the beginning of the course. As a result, when measuring this test against Cohen's criteria for “assessment tools” as it relates to instruction I found the instructions given for each section to be clear and precise, the test can be given by another teacher if the designated teacher is not present Also, the times seem real... half of the document... Ham, C. Principles of Evaluation Retrieved August 7, 2016 from https://www gpg/1398 Cohen, A. D. (1994). Assessing language ability in the classroom/Teaching methods, Boston, MA Heinle & Heinle Publishers. Davidson, F. & B. K. Lynch (2002). Testcraft: A teacher's guide to writing and using language test specifications. London: Yale University Press.Hamp-Lyons, L. 1990. Issues in assessing second language writing. In Barbara Kroll (ed.) Second Language Writing: Research Insights for the Classroom NY: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved August 7, 2016, from in Assessments: Content, Constructive, and Predictive Validity and Retrieved August 7, 2016, from /validity- in-assessments-content-construct-predictive-validity.html