Appearance and fashion are important factors driving our societies today. We live in a world where people are judged for the way they look, dress and behave. This phenomenon is demonstrated by Suzanne Collins in her New York Times bestselling “Hunger Games” trilogy. In this book, Collins presents a dystopian world, a horrible and terrible world. The different themes used in this book are violence, corruption, obsession, inequality and physical appearance and are somehow related to our world. He compared Panem to our world. The goal of the book is to warn people that if we don't use resources efficiently, if we don't help each other, if we are still obsessed with money, we will end up killing each other. During games, looks and appearance were surprisingly a way to win. Like in the Hunger Games, people nowadays place too much importance on their appearance because society has guided them to do so. It may seem unexpected to compare The Hunger Games to our world, but unfortunately appearance has become a major factor in decisions. Suzanne Collins does an amazing job in her book warning us of what the future might look like if we don't change our behavior, but what are the connections and signals to our real world and how does this pose a danger to societies? In our society, appearance and its importance may not seem like a problem because of what is present in our lives and how it has been presented to us, but it is important because we face problems like bullying at all levels, from child to child. adult, and lower self-esteem. estimate highly correlated with suicide. The problems we face today related to appearances are important, so this topic deserves attention. Because it affects children, parents, models, teenagers and everyone, we are...... middle of paper...... if we give appearance and looks the importance they don't deserve. In today's world, children kill themselves, celebrities use drugs, people fake their personalities because they think they don't fit the standards and don't want to be judged and seen based on how they look and who they are. We are all different, so to appreciate each other's differences and learn from each other, we should eliminate those imaginary standards and live with each other free and trusting. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Adolescent girls and body image". National Association of Social Workers. National Association of Social Workers Web. 18 Nov 2013 “Bullying and suicide”. Bullying statistics. Network. November 18, 2013Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Game. London: Scholastic Ltd, 2009. PrintMarcus, Stephanie. "Celebrities with money problems." Huffpost Celebrities. Huffingston Post, 06 12 2012. Web. 20 November. 2013.