Due to globalization, for economic and social reasons, multicultural contact is increasing. As human beings we stereotype even without realizing it because it is our way of understanding the world and making sense of it. This paper will examine multiculturalism, how the process occurs, and how it is expressed in organizations. Culture can be shown through values, rituals, heroes and symbols; By grouping and categorizing the thoughts of the people and words around us, we decide what is good or bad, right or wrong. However, humans come from different contexts and “if you only try to understand humans on an individual basis you will not understand the person or their reasons… you cannot judge the behavior of a different culture with your own values” (Tchelebi 2013) . Gertz (1983) the Grande Pour intellectualist argues that cultural background certainly plays a role in shaping identity, but does not determine it. People are forced to learn, unlearn, and adapt new behaviors to cope with the people of the country they signed up for. In the organizational context, culture plays an important role because it allows you to understand people from different backgrounds and develop strategies to identify the best way to deal with multiculturalism in organizations. Sojourner is a term used to describe people who spend two years or more in a culture other than the one they were socialized into (Bochner 2006). When coming to a different culture people experience culture shock. The following symptoms of culture shock are mentioned in the literature (Feicthinger and Fink 1998): lack of orientation, discomfort and anxiety; psychological and physical problems (depression, stress, illnesses); feelings of helplessness and helplessness; missing... half of the paper... tions. Leadership & Organization Development Journal [Online].19 (6), pp. 302-308 Available [Accessed 25 November 2013].Greene, M. (1992) Journal of Negro Education. The Passion of Pluralism: Multiculturalism and Expanding Community [online]. 61 (3), pp. 250-261 [Accessed 25 November 2013]. Tchelebi, N. (2013) Study Unit 7: The Way Others do Things Around Here [Press release]. November 11th. Available from: https://blackboard.uwe.ac.uk/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_tab_group_id=_2_1&url=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D_229970_1%26url%3DTchelebi, N. (2013) Study Unit 7: How others do things around here [Press release]. November 14. Available from: https://blackboard.uwe.ac.uk/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_tab_group_id=_2_1&url=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D_229970_1%26url%3D