Topic > Cooperative and international business strategies

Strategic management1. What most distinguishes the national and global markets? And why? Internal market: The internal market is the financial market that caters to a single market. This type of market addresses only a number of competitive, economic and market issues. Likewise, it deals with only one group of customers even if a company has different segments in the market. The domestic market is also known as domestic market and internal trade. This market has a very limited scope because it is located within the country's borders. Global Market: The global market is the financial market that caters to a global scale. It represents the buying and selling of goods around the world. It must address different sets of competitive, economic and market issues. This type of market implements different marketing strategies based on the region the company is marketing to attract customer attention. It has a very wide scope as the market takes place globally. The main differences between domestic and global markets with explanation are presented in the following table: Domestic market Global market Stable: Because it caters to single market Unstable: Because it targets multiple markets Predictable: Because it has a single set of customers Unpredictable: Because has multiple customer sets Less complex: Because it has limited scope Complex and risk: Because it has unlimited scope2. What role does ethics play in international strategy, both at the corporate and corporate levels? International strategy is the strategy through which the company sells its goods or services outside its national market. Ethics plays a vital role in international strategy at both the business and corporate levels. corp...... half of the sheet......s. The relationship with the partner is formalized with contracts and formalities that tend to stifle the partners' efforts to obtain maximum value from their participation. Opportunity Maximization: Focuses on maximizing the partnership's value creation opportunities. There is an informal relationship and fewer constraints that allow partners to exploit unexpected opportunities, learn from each other and explore further market possibilities. References: Ireland, H. (2013). Strategic management: competitiveness and globalization. (10th ed.). Cengage.Schultz, J. (2014, April 09). Mgt 6203 lesson 2. Retrieved from companies emerge in emerging markets. (2010, June 9). Retrieved from, J. Powerpoint slide (Chapter 9)