Christ is implemented in myriad texts as a source of light in a fallen world and to justify the plot that good will ultimately triumph over evil. The authors create a parallel between the character and Christ in hopes of delving deeper into the sacrifices by emulating the actions and wisdom of Christ. The man represents Christ in many ways as being in constant agony. He always coughs his lungs out and cares for the boy more than himself. The man is wise and utters many wise aphorisms such as “You forget what you want to remember and you remember what you want to forget (McCarthy 12).” McCarthy's world is a disgusting dump of burned corpses and it's hard to forget what you saw there. The man and boy use a humble means of transport to the coast. Their mode of travel was on foot with a chariot which is parallel to Christ traveling on foot with a pack donkey. Jesus Christ also calls himself the good shepherd and his followers are his sheep. He does not lead his followers but guides them. The sheep depend on the guidance of their shepherd just as the boy depends on his father for survival. The boy will always follow the man as he says, “I believe you. I always believe you. I have to (McCarthy 185).” The boy believes that the man will guide him and will not abandon him just as the sheep trust in their shepherd. The best