By the late 1500s, Christian denominations were popping up across Europe. This occurred in response to reports of indulgences (selling freedom from purgatory), clerical immorality, abuse of money, along with many other evil deeds that were rampant in the Church. It was these problems that Luther and others rebelled against and created their own religions. With the rise of these Reform movements, the Church itself needed to make some reforms. These reforms took the form of the education of the clergy, the opening of monasteries, the Inquisition, and the organization of councils. Indeed, even though Protestant attacks led to these reforms, many of these reforms were still necessary. The problems in the Church were so severe that the Church would not have survived if the problems had not been resolved. Although there were movements to stop Protestantism, the Catholic Reformation was more about self-reformation within the Church than opposition to the Protestant movement. One of the first reform movements within the Church was the Jesuit order (also called the Society of Jesus). of priests. Instead of the common idea of fighting Protestantism, the Jesuits simply wanted to “help souls” (Lindberg 333). A Jesuit is a “soldier of God under the banner of the cross” (Lindberg 334). This type of mentality came mainly from the founder of the order Ignatius Loyola. Loyola was raised in a noble family to be a soldier (Holder 196; Lindberg 334). His dream was shattered when his leg was crushed in battle (Holder 196; Lindberg 334). After months in bed and a failed missionary trip, Loyola went to school because he found that his education was too lacking to convert people (Holder 197). So he created the Society of Jesus, with his classmates as...... in the center of the paper ......with the doctrine. These people simply wanted to help Catholicism, not destroy it. They recognized the problems that the Church Fathers had chosen to ignore and found active ways to solve them. For Loyola and Teresa, this solution was to reorganize (or create) the convents or orders to be more pious and faithful. For the bishops and theologians of the Council of Trent, this solution was consolidating the doctrines of the Church. Works Cited Cunningham, Lawrence S. An Introduction to Catholicism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Print.Holder, R. Ward. Crisis and renewal: the era of reforms. Kentucky: WestminsterJohn Knox Press, 2009. Print.Lindberg, Carter. European reforms. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. Print. Miller, Richard W., Ed. Women and the Formation of Catholicism: Women Through the Ages. Missouri: Liguori Publications, 2009. Print.