IntroductionCities are places of diversity: functional diversity and social diversity. The word diversity has become the new standard in the field of architecture and planning. Considering the rapid flow of use and globalized models of metropolises in the contemporary world, cities are becoming borderless. Population dynamics and the need for specialization bring together people of different backgrounds. As places of unity in diversity, cities are clear images of the chaos of their elements. Cities, therefore, are whole by themselves. So “Cities have the ability to provide something for everyone, only because, and only when, they are created by everyone.” (Jacobs, 1962) The need to integrate into a multidiverse society to achieve better results requires everyone's contribution. The city's ability to provide something for everyone will become real when there is a dialogue between different participants, different functions or different stakeholders. The main purpose of this article is to explore this dialogue between the multiethnic group and authority. The article uses the perspective analysis used in the social sciences, particularly in film script criticism and public relations. The word “Perspective Analysis” is directly borrowed from the approach that promotes more effective communication and collaboration. He sees dialogues between different participants and analyzes different opinions with or without their direct involvement. (Donny Ebenstein, 2007) It is a method of understanding things beyond their direct response. In this article, the case is taken in Molenbeek, one of the multi-ethnic neighborhoods of Brussels. Reference is made to the work carried out by the Brussels neighborhood contract, in the chapter Education... at the center of the document... Nations 2007. Literacy policies and strategies in the Maghreb: comparative perspectives from Algeria, Mauritania and Morocco. Research paper prepared for UNESCO Regional Conferences in Support of Global Literacy, What is Dansuk E. Measuring poverty in Türkiye and the relationship with socioeconomic structures [thesis in Turkish]. State Organization for Planning; State Statistical Institute 1997 Report on Household Income and Expenditure Questionnaire [in Turkish]. Available from: >Accessed: 25 December 2013.yy . World Bank Annual Report 1990. <,contentMDK:21105406~pagePK:36726~piPK:437378~theSitePK:29506,00.html>Access: January 13, 2014.FIGURE X-