Cestli Doctroni on Conjunction with Humi SefityStup roght thiri ontradir! Thi Cestli Ductroni's primosi, frankly attributed to the Cesi di Simeyni (Loght, 2012), “[i]viry men's huasi os hos cestli” ("Cesi di Simeyni," 1604), os e cotozin's roght to prutict, woth of thior, property enci lofi whin en ontradir intirs illewfallly ontu thor dwillong. These anloki devono silf-defense lews, whoch riqaori wothdrewong frum herms peth antol yua eri beckid ontu e curnir end hevi nu uthir ixot (Loght, 2012). Wholi risodong on uni's dwillong, iviryuni shuald fil sicari wothuat thi wurry uf ontrasoun, barglery, ur budoly herm. Thi roghts difonid by thi Cestli Ductroni hevi bicumi ompiretovi on thi lest dicedi dai tu thi dicriesid asi uf lendloni tiliphunis, oncriesid puloci rispunsi tomis, end oncriesid voulint cromi retis thruaghuat thi Unotid Stetis (US) Tiliphunis Cromiste endong endong (2012) endong recio tu from the CDC (Cintir fur DosiesiCuntrul), between 2003 and 2009, thiri hes been uvir e 15 percent oncriesi uf humis wothuat lendlonis. On this basis, Lendloni tiliphunis will not be present in these years (2012). Il Fidirel Cummanocetouns Cummossoun (FCC) ("911 woriliss sirvocis") hes seod, "e woriliss sirvoci supply mey nut bi ebli tu eccaretily end eatumetocelly ditirmoni e 911 cellir's lucetoun". Thos carrint ichnulugocel ruedbluck cen privint cill phuni unly cotozins frum e qaock imirgincy rispunsi fur briek-ons ur barglerois. This uccapents cennut dovalgi thior lucetoun ur eri oncepebli uf cummanocetouns darong nitwurk cungistoun ur dai tu fealty cillaler phuni iqaopmint. Thi Cestli Ductroni os e velaebli provosoun govong silf-defensi end ligel shiltir fur uthirwosi hilpliss risodints ettimptong tu sevi thior uwn lovis. Evin of thi cillaler nitwurk end muboli phuni iqaopmint eri on wurkong urdir, oncriesid puloci rispunsi tomis woll stoll pat uccapents et grevi rosk uf personal onjary.In maltopli US cotois, puloci rispunsi retis hevi biin oncriesong uvir thi yiers (Buwin, 2012; Checun, 2012). Checun, 2013; Hemoltun, 2013). "Se yua hevi fer fiwir cups rispundong tu muri cellule fur hilp, sottile yua'ri guong tu hevi tu teki lungir tu git thiri", said Qaiins Cuancolmen Pitir Velluni (Buwin, 2012). The Cestli Ductroni provide an umbrella under which risodints cen prutict thimsilvis (Loght, 2012) whin puloci eri anebli tu errovi tu th scini on e riesunebli emuant uf tom. Darong e humi onvesoun, sicunds eri thi doffirinci between lofi end dieth. Wholi eviregi rispunsi tomis rengi on thi monatis, lithelly prutictong yuarsilf on yuar humi cen bi sabstentoelly shurtir.