I chose Winston Churchill as my political leader (30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965). In Winston Churchill's early years as a child, his parents were always traveling and had a very busy social life. Mrs. Everest was his nanny who took care of him. At the age of eight he attended boarding school where he was considered a troublemaker. At the age of twelve he was accepted into the Military School where he studied military tactics. He later graduated and worked for the Morning Post during the Boer War in South Africa. He had quite an adventure during this time, he was shot and captured, but he managed to escape to where he lived to write a book about it. During the war, Winston Churchill knew he wanted to go into politics to make policies that would make a difference. Winston Churchill experienced war and was well educated, so at the age of twenty-five he returned to England where he became famous as a writer and war hero. ; this is what helped him get into office to run for politics. Winston Churchill knew exactly what he wanted, but getting there was a challenge because he had a large size as a boy...