Topic > 'Kew Gardens' by William Faulkner - 1548

The younger of the two seems unnaturally calm. His gaze is fixed in the distance, ignoring the older man who is speaking. The older man has an uneven, wobbly walk. His position is like an impatient horse. He suddenly jumps while talking continuously. Between one statement and the next he smiles to himself and speaks again, as if the smile were the answer to his question. He is talking about the spirits of the dead. He says they are telling him about their experiences in heaven. He says that heaven was known to the ancients and with this new war going on, they are rolling in hills and thunder. The man talks about a car and a widow, a woman dressed in black. He glimpsed a woman dressed in purplish black in the distance. The man takes off his hat and places his hand over his heart. He hurries towards the woman, gesticulating wildly. The young man, William, grabs him by the sleeve. William distracts the older man by pointing to a flower. The man looks at him confused. He approaches the flower as if he were listening to a voice inside it. Talk about the forests of Uruguay. He says he visited these forests hundreds of years ago with the most beautiful woman in Europe. William moves the man forward, away from the flowerbed. William's face shows stoic patience. As the older man continues to speak, William's patience grows