"Okay! A master's degree in management and a bachelor's degree in business. It sounds like you are qualified to lead these employees. Welcome to the team." This type of interview strategy for finding the most competent manager, based on education or other qualifications, has been used since the dawn of the industrial revolution. However, in recent years many major companies have changed their strategy. Instead of hiring people based on qualifications alone, companies hire managers based on their management attitude; above all an attitude of servitude. This paper will address the strengths and weaknesses of both servant leadership and competency-based leadership, compare the two, explain why competency-based leadership is popular in most organizations, and explain why competency-based leaders are in also able to demonstrate servant leadership qualities. examining any of the main leadership styles it is necessary to highlight the strengths and weaknesses. The goal of this article is to persuade the reader that both leadership styles have numerous advantages. However, it will also show the weaknesses of these styles to enable the reader to make an informed decision between the two forms of leadership. Competency-based leadership Competency-based leadership focuses primarily on the skills, experience, and amount of education the potential manager has. According to Kaslow, Falender, and Grus, “Supervisors in leadership positions require a new armamentarium of knowledge, skills, and attitudes to motivate supervising faculty/staff interest in evolving clinical practice and supervision” (Kaslow, Falender, and Grus , 2012 ). The hope of these three parts for leadership is that the… half of the article… teKaslow, NJ, Falender, CA, & Grus, CL (2012). Valuing and practicing competency-based supervision: A transformational leadership perspective. Professional training and education. Retrieved from http://library.gcu.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=pdh&AN=2012-03627-006&site=eds-live&scope=siteKlamon, V. (2007). In the name of service: Exploring the social enterprise work experience through the lens of servant leadership. The International Journal of Servant-Leadership, 3(1), 109–138. Nikodijević, A., Labrović, J., & Doković, A. (2012). Academic burnout among organizational sciences students. Management (1820-0222), (64), 47-53. doi:10.7595/management.fon.2012.0019. http://library.gcu.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=85171618&site=eds-live&scope=site