Topic > What is the connection between Jane Austen's life and...

When referring to her book in a letter to her sister, Jane fails to capitalize the title of her book. He believes he will not be acclaimed or widely recognized. When her books are finally published, Jane publishes them anonymously. Only her immediate family knows that she is the author of books that have received wide recognition and acclaim in England. The Columbia Encyclopedia writes that he "received little public recognition during his lifetime." Only years later does Jane allow her name as the author of the books to be made public. Some say that if Jane were alive today to witness the extent of her celebrity and how revered she is, her “porcelain English cheeks might have colored like a tea rose” (Eady 87). Fanny Price is also a very modest character. He lets himself be treated badly by his aunt and cousins ​​because he feels he has no right to anything better. He doesn't feel able to converse in the evening with his cousins ​​and their friends. She refuses to participate in their conversations. Both Jane and Fanny have low self-esteem and are modest