Topic > Controversial Topics: Legalize Marijuana - 1387

Marijuana, used by nearly 100 million Americans, is the third most popular recreational drug in America. The legalization of marijuana has been a controversial topic of discussion in the media, general popular culture, and in government. The War on Drugs, more specifically the War on Marijuana, is a tiring battle that has continued for decades. The benefits of legalizing marijuana, such as economic and commercial gain, expanded medical marijuana research, and controversial recreational uses, outweigh the risk of addiction and other negative side effects. The actions taken by the government, both for and against the legalization of marijuana, are an attempt to resolve the controversial use of this popular drug. People are in favor of legalizing marijuana for its various benefits such as medical use, recreational use, reducing the number of drug dealers and drug users in prison and on the streets, and this would result in more efficient regulation than legalization of marijuana. Marijuana has been used as a treatment for many diseases and disorders, such as glaucoma, nausea, Tourette's syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, and even cancer side effects. Research suggests that its therapeutic use has increased enormously in just twenty years. In 1992, approximately 93,000 people were treated with marijuana, while in 2010, 353,000 people were treated with medical marijuana (“Arguments for and against the legalization of marijuana” 1). Those who choose to smoke marijuana for recreational pleasure demonstrate free will. The effects of smoking marijuana include increased heart rate, altered mental status, elevated mood, euphoria, and relaxation. (However, these side effects only last a few hours.) Legalizing marijuana would lead to... middle of the paper... Legalizing marijuana is a smart fiscal move." Np, 8 January 2014. Web. 28 March 2014. legalizing marijuana is a smart fiscal move>. Hawkins, John March 28, 2014.should-remain-illegal-n1782086/page/full>.Swift, Art. “For the first time, Americans prefer to legalize marijuana. Np, 22 October 2013. Web. 2014. time-americans-favor-legalizing-marijuana.aspx>. Szalavitz, Maia. “Marijuana as a Gateway Drug: The Myth That Won't Die.” Time, October 29, 2010. Web Mar. 2014.that-won't-die/>.