Aided by the genetic nature of man and woman to reproduce, meaningful devotion to someone of the opposite sex is love at its most rewarding and inspiring. When you find the right person, the emotions unleashed can provide a reaction that can never be repeated. As in many stories of the past, some written by Shakespeare, true love between a man and a woman is capable of overcoming any challenge or obstacle that comes its way. One of the most famous is the story of Romeo and Juliet, where family hatred could not stop the magic and desire between a man and a woman who found their destiny with each other. Tragically the story ends with the irony that the pure joy of love between them was never fully achieved as death was their reward. Unfortunately, this foreshadowing is a whimsical representation of couple relationships today. With the divorce rate ever increasing, I see a redefinition of this form of love for future generations. As the bond between man and woman is rapidly eroded with minimal effort, the challenge of maintaining an intimate loving relationship with just one person today is truly the most significant obstacle facing society at large.